Now that Census Day has passed, people may receive home visits from census field officers reminding them to complete the questionnaire if they haven’t already done so.
The advice below has been issued re possible scams linked to the 2021 Census:
- Official census-branded reminder letters are being sent by post to households who have not yet completed their census.
- A census field officer may also knock on the door of your home. The role of field officers is to give help and encouragement to those who have not yet filled in their census questionnaire.
- Field officers will never ask for payment or bank details.
- Field officers will never ask to see personal documents.
- Field officers will never ask for payment or your bank details.
- Field officers will never ask for your national insurance number.
- Field offices do not need to enter your home.
- You will never be issued with a fine by text message, phone call or email.
Further protection advice can be found on the Action Fraud website