January Lockdown Grants for non-essential retail, leisure, personal care, sports facilities, and hospitality businesses forced to close are now live.
- Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) Addendum: 5 January onwards
- Closed Business Lockdown Payment
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) Addendum: 5 January onwards will provide a payment based on the November 2020 scheme that ran from 5 November 2020 to 2 December 2020 pro-rata up to 42 days for the period 5 January 2021 to 15 February 2021.
The Closed Business Lockdown Payment will provide a one-off payment in addition to the Local Restrictions Support Grant.
The value of these grants has been set by Central Government:
- For properties with a rateable value of £15,000 or under: £4,000 one off payment plus £2,001 per 42-day period
- For properties with a rateable value of £15,001 and less than £51,000: £6,000 one off payment plus £3,000 per 42-day period
- For properties with a rateable value of £51,000 and over: £9,000 one off payment plus £4,500 per 42-day period
Access information and apply here https://www.torridge.gov.uk/lockdown2021grant