Kickstart Grant – Tourism and Business Recovery
Small businesses and the tourism sector across Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay are among those who can benefit from the Growth Support Kickstart Grant Scheme offering grants of up to £3,000.
It follows the recent government announcement of a £10 million national investment to kickstart the tourism economy and a £20 million national investment to support small business to get going again and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. The Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (HotSW LEP) has been awarded a £771,164 share of this funding to help with the economic recovery in the region.
The aim of the grant is to support business in one of two ways:
- Access specialist professional advice such as HR, accountancy support, IT and digital marketing help
- To enable you to buy minor equipment to support the day-to-day running of your business, or set up new technology such as a new website or customer database
It is hoped the fund will be open for applications before the end of the month. In the meantime, to help businesses prepare, Information and Guidance along with an FAQ has been published online and businesses are encouraged to read this.
A key part of your application will be to have a quote prepared for works you wish to apply for. Take a look at our specialist members who can help you with this:
- Financial support
- Accountancy support
- Marketing support
- Digital support
- IT support
- Business Consultancy
And don’t delay! This grant is going to be allocated on a FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS.
For full details see the Kickstart grant webpage
P.S. If you’re not a member but want to be listed under our supplier list to support those applying for a grant, get signed up now! It’s FREE!!!