As you may be aware the Department of Work & Pensions have provided to County Councils and Unitary Authorities across England under the Scheme ‘COVID Winter Grant Scheme’.
The aim is to support vulnerable households with the cost of fuel or food due to the continuing hardships caused by Covid-19. Citizens Advice are thrilled to be working on behalf of Devon County Council to help Devon residents in need. It will be prioritised for those for whom a payment will help mitigate the risk of self-disconnection. It can include working families, single-household families, older people – anyone who is in need of fuel support so long as they are eligible. We will be able to provide vouchers, top-up smart meters online or make payment to online fuel accounts.
Clients can be provided with a food voucher but DCC has been clear that clients should be referred into their local foodbank where possible.
If you would like to refer a client into this scheme please this link https://forms.gle/NhppDKZHZ4DFnEPh9